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Compare the food you buy!

The main way for large brands to attract you as a customer is to reduce prices. But what are you - or rather your child - getting for your money?

Below we have compared three of our meals with similar products on the market. The comparison was made in September 2023 of regular price products from a major Swedish online retailer.

How much salmon is in the meal?

When you buy a meal with salmon for your child, you probably expect there to be plenty of salmon in it. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Here is a comparison between our salmon and quinoa meal and a similar product from a market-leading baby food brand. With our meal, you get 26% more salmon for your money.


More salmon


More protein

How much meat is in the bolognese?

Most children love pasta bolognese and as you know, bolognese sauce includes ground beef. But how much ground beef is actually in the baby food? If you choose our pasta bolognese, you get 81% more beef for your money compared to a similar product from a market leading baby food brand.


More minced beef


More protein

How much chicken is in the baby food?

Chicken meat is a good ingredient with high nutritional values. So it's good if there's plenty of chicken in the baby food you buy, especially if it has chicken in the name. We compared our Chicken & Apple meal with a similar product from a market-leading baby food brand and found that you get 128% more chicken for your money when you buy our meal.


More chicken


More protein