Food that shapes tomorrow
Alex&Phil's food is organic. It has been from the beginning and always will be. Our commitment to sustainability permeates our entire business. Simply because we know how important it is to the health of our children and the world we manage for them.

We have chosen the KRAV label for our food because it sets higher standards than the EU legisaltion for organic production, especially in terms of animal welfare, health, social responsibility and climate impact.
Did you know that on average there are 50% more species of plants and pollinators on organic farms? Biodiversity can make nature and agriculture more resilient to climate change.

Honest food without additives
Much of the baby food on the shelf contains nutrient-poor fillers such as water and rice flour. It is then enriched with artificial vitamins and minerals to compensate. This is not sustainable for humans or the environment.
To clarify the difference between our food and that of others, we have had it certified with the Äkta vara Ä-mark. Äkta vara is a consumer association that works for food products with a traditional content of natural ingredients and without additives.
We prioritize maximum nutrition per bite and attach great importance to plant-based protein, which has a significantly smaller climate footprint. Our products also have a long shelf life and do not require cold storage, which minimizes energy consumption and food waste.

Climate-smart packaging
To reduce our carbon footprint, we use the most climate-friendly packaging possible. The majority of our packaging is mainly made from plant-based, renewable materials such as sugar cane or FSC-labeled cardboard. For example, in comparison, our Tetra Recart® package is 80% more climate-smart than the equivalent glass jar with a lid.
We also carbon offset to balance our carbon footprint. By supporting a UN-certified solar energy project in India, we help prevent the emission of 113 061 tons of CO2e per year.
Read more here
Support for vulnerable children
As a company, we have a social responsibility. This is why we contribute in various ways to help our most vulnerable children, regardless of whether we make a profit or not.
We donate food to vulnerable children in Sweden, through Stadsmissionen and Astrid Lindgren's Children's Hospital. In addition, we have supported the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation and we regularly give away food to war-affected families in Ukraine.